Course Syllabus

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Introduction to Solidworks:  CAD 062, Instructor:  Leo Kitten, Office:   West 001, Phone:  234-5316, Email:

The purpose of this course is to learn 3D Solid Modeling and Design using the Solidworks CAD program.  You will learn how to create, display and present solid models of parts and assemblies. 

The text for this course will be Introduction to Solid Modeling Using Solidworks by William E. Howard and Joseph C. Musto.

Grades will be determined as follows:    Homework 15%, Attendance 10%, Lab Projects  35%, Mid‑Term Test  20%, Final Test  20%, Total 100% 

Homework will consist of reading in the textbook related to our current subject of learning and answering questions and finishing labs.

Attendance is important, come to class prepared to stay for the full lecture and lab time.  You will miss a lot of course material if you are absent.  Missing multiple classes will result in the drop of a letter grade, unless agreed upon by the instructor ahead of time.

Lab Projects will consist of producing drawings, models and assemblies using Solidworks.  SAVE YOUR WORK EVERY 10 MINUTES.  PC systems do go down.

Mid‑term and a Final exam will be given to test your learning and understanding during this course.  Both will be partially written and partially hands-on. 

Cheating on tests or copying another person’s homework or project or “loaning” someone your project file will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for that test or assignment at a minimum.

Work together on our assignments in class to try to keep everyone caught up.  Please work with and help your each other in lab so you learn and enjoy class more, but do not operate their input devices during this instruction.

Food and drink are not allowed CAD or CIM class rooms.  Drinks with good lids are ok.

Internet use during class is disruptive to classmates and is not allowed.  Do not use the internet during the class unless instructed to for a project.  Use another unoccupied class or wait until the class ends completely.

No cell phones usage or texting will be allowed.

Please give me a chance to help you if you are having problems with course work, or are falling behind. We have tutors & other resources available. The assignments and dates below WILL change as the course progresses and improves.


I would like to thank Alan Clodfelter for all his help on this class and the included assignments 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due