Course Syllabus
3D Solid Modeling, CAD 060
Instructor: Leo Kitten, Office: West 001
The purpose of this course is to learn 3D Solid Modeling and Design, how to create, display and present solid models of parts and assemblies. The secondary purpose is to learn Autodesk Inventor. You will learn principles that will apply to any 3D CAD Solid Modeling software you may use in the future.
Assignments will include reading the textbook and various handouts, completing tutorial exercises and homework from the textbook, and producing lab projects.
The text for this course will be Inventor and Inventor Essentials by Thorn Tremblay.
Files needed for the book labs can be used from the I drive:I:\technology\CAD-CIM\CAD060 3D Solid Modeling\Inventor 2014 Essentials
Grades will be determined roughly as follows:
Lab Projects - 35% Homework - 15% Mid-Term Exam - 20% Final Exam - 20% Attendance - 10 % Total - 100%
Lab Projects will include producing 3D models, assemblies and drawings using mostly the Autodesk Inventor CAD system.
Homework will include reading the text and various handouts, and completing homework question sheets. Homework sheets will be due 1 week from the day they are passed out.
Exams; There will be a mid-term and final exam, each will have a written and drawing component to check your understanding and skills learned in this course.
Attendance is important, come to class prepared to participate. If you miss class, are late, leave early without approval, or fail to participate, this will count against your attendance score. You will have to make up missed work on your own.
Class Rules: If you are told repeatedly on the items below you will be docked a letter grade and asked to leave.
1. Accessing the internet during class time is prohibited except for class as it disrupts and slows down others and yourself.
2. Cell phones are to be turned off or on vibrate and only used for emergencies in classroom. If you need a calculator use a calculator.
3. Food, Drink and Tobacco use are prohibited in the classroom. Enclosed containers with good lids such as a water bottle are fine.
4. Headphones and music are not allowed in the classroom.
5. If you have a question raise your hand, do not interrupt the class.
6. Profanity is not allowed.
Cheating on tests or copying another person's work will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for that test or assignment, if you "loan" someone your CAD file you are cheating and will receive the same penalty. You may and should help your classmates, but do not operate their mouse or keyboard during this instruction.
Please give me a chance to help you if you are having problems with course work or are falling behind, we also have other resources available such as tutors.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |