Course Syllabus

BUS 084 | Advanced Medical Transcription

Spring 2024

Course Description

Designed to develop skills with realistic dictation with comprehensive terminology in 13 specialties by medical professionals from various ethnic groups.

Course Objectives

At the successful completion of this course, students will be able to

  • Transcribe a minimum of 7 medical dictations from doctors with various nationalities, and distractions, etc., with correct medical terminology, spelling, medical abbreviations, grammar and report format.
  • Type medical dictation in correct report format using transcription software, foot pedal, and a word processing software package on a computer.
  • Complete timed transcriptions using acceptable format, acceptable medical terminology and spelling.

Instructor Information

Instructor: Sarah Wright 


Office location:  WH #007
Office phone:  217-234-5355
Office Hours:

Tuesday: 9:30 - 11:30

Wednesday: 9:30 – 11

Thursday 10:30 - 11:30

Emails received after 12:00 on Friday may not be returned until Monday morning.  I will not be answering any emails on Saturday, Sunday or any college holidays.

Required Supplies

  • Reliable internet access.  Plan to log on to Canvas at least three times a week.
  • Book.  Read and refer to the resources included in each chapter.  
  • Dictation Files:  Your dictation files are liked to the assignment.  You must open up the assignment for each week to find the dictation files.
  • Express Scribe Software.  Install the software using the instructions that are a separate document on the course content page.
  • Foot pedal.  Use a foot pedal with Express Scribe software to transcribe reports.  A foot pedal is used to allow you to conveniently pause, play, rewind, and fast forward the dictation.  Install the Express Scribe software on your personal computer so you will have the ability to use the foot pedal.
  • Speakers or headphones.  Use either speakers or headphones in order to listen to the audio files and transcribe your reports.

Instructor Classroom Policies


You will complete your homework using Microsoft Word. 

Multiple exercises from each chapter will be given; however, only one exercise may be graded.  In order to receive a grade for the homework, all exercises must be completed and submitted.  Incomplete homework will receive a grade of a zero. 

Homework will be submitted through Canvas and is due at midnight.  Please refer to the course calendar for specific due dates.  Late work is not accepted so please plan accordingly to allow enough time to complete and submit your homework.

Homework should be saved as your first initial, last name, and exercise number. 

For example: S Wright Exercise 3-1.  

 Please use available resources such as your book, the web resources (see Chapter 1 in your book), the listing of doctors’ names (p. 308), and the Case Hints (look in Modules section of Canvas) for each chapter to help you with your homework.  

Your class contains several different ways of completing the assignments:  Fill-in-the-blank, Auditing a Dictation, and Transcribing a dictation.

Transcribing a file:  Before you can start transcribing, you must have the Express Scribe Program downloaded on your computer and your foot pedal installed.  Please do this sooner than later, do not wait until the day before the assignment is due.  Please watch the video on how to do this.

Once that is set up, you will go to the assignment in Canvas to get your dictation files. Save the files to your hard drive U: on your computer. You will have to save every file separately by right clicking on the link and selecting the "save file to" command. Now you can load them in express scribe. You are now ready to start. You will type the dictation in Microsoft Word and will submit the word document to me as your homework. You will complete four assignment each week like this, I will grade one. Each misspelled word is minus 5 points, each punctuation error is minus 1 point, any missing headings are minus 5 points. 

Auditing a Dictation: you will DOWNLOAD the Word file to your computer, start listening to the dictation, and correct the errors as you encounter them.  You will also HIGHLIGHT any changes you make to the document. See the sample video provided in Modules.You do not have to use the express scribe software to listen to the dictation for these assignments, you can use any program to hear the dictation file.  It does work better to use the express scribe pedal as you can pause and go back easier. 

Fill-in-the-Blank: you will DOWNLOAD the PDF file to your computer, start listening to the dictation, and fill in the blanks using the drop down menus as you reach that portion of the dictation.  See the sample video provided in Modules. You do not have to use the express scribe software to listen to the dictation for these assignments, you can use any program to hear the dictation file. It does work better to use the express scribe pedal as you can pause and go back easier. 


Two tests will be given.  You will be taking your tests online.  The midterm and final will be open a minimum of five days. No extensions will be granted on the midterm or final.    

Each test is worth 100 points. 


Spell check is not a substitute for proofreading your work.  Check the spelling of medical terms very carefully but don’t overlook the “everyday” words.  Be aware that by default, Word ignores the spelling of words typed in all capital letters.  Proofread all of your documents for meaning and for formatting. 


Your final grade will be distributed as follows:

Homework                60%
Midterm & Final        40%

Grade Scheme

The following grading standards will be used in this class:

Grading Scheme
Grade Range
A 90% to 100%
B 80% to < 90%
C 70% to < 80%
D 60% to < 70%
F 0% to < 60%

Academic Integrity

At Lake Land College, it is assumed that students will honor the tradition of academic honesty. As such, students have the responsibility to be fully knowledgeable of the Academic Integrity Code, produce their own work, and encourage academic honesty among their fellow students.

For a description of what is considered to be academic dishonesty, please review the Academic Integrity Code available in the online Student Handbook and Right to Know. If you have questions regarding the College’s policy specifically related to this course, please do not hesitate to ask.

 Online Communication Guidelines

  • Choose an appropriate subject line.
  • Update the subject line when the content of your message changes.
  • Use proper capitalization and punctuation. 
  • Write in complete sentences.
  • Proofread for correct spelling and grammar.
  • Create a new paragraph anytime the topic changes.
  • Avoid typing in all caps as this indicates you’re shouting. 

Help Desk Support

The Information Systems and Services (Links to an external site.) department offers technical support. You can contact the helpdesk at 217-234-5261 or for any technical problems related to the courses you are taking at Lake Land College.

Information Systems and Services is located in Virgil Learning Resource Center/Library (See Maps for directions.) in the lower level. ISS welcomes walk-in campus support Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm during the spring and fall semesters. During the summer the college is open from Monday - Thursday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. 

Personal WiFi hotspot devices called MiFis and computers can be checked out at the Circulation Desk of the Virgil H. Judge Learning Resource Center/Library (Links to an external site.). Contact 217-234-5367 or to set up an appointment.

If you have any difficulties using Canvas, you can contact the Information Systems and Services (Links to an external site.) at information above or directly in Canvas click the Help link in the global navigation to the left. Choose Report a problem to create a ticket. Be prepared to give a detailed description of your problem when filling out the form for the ticket. Please don't hesitate to ask for help.

Accessibility Statement

Lake Land College is committed to creating a learning environment that meets the needs of its diverse student body. This means that all students, including students with disabilities, are provided equal and equitable access to all course and classroom materials.

As your instructor, I am dedicated to ensuring that my students have the resources and opportunities you need to succeed. My goal is to deliver course materials that are accessible for all students - including those using assistive technologies or with different learning needs. Please let me know if you find any of the course documents inaccessible or difficult to interact with so that we can work together to improve accessibility and usability for all.

I am always open to suggestions….

Canvas ADA Compliance Statement 

Canvas conforms to the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WAI WCAG) 2.0 AA and Section 508 guidelines.

Basic Needs

Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to contact the Counseling Services for support. Students can also view Services & Resources page for more details. Furthermore, please notify me if you are comfortable in doing so. This will enable me to guide you to available resources.

College Policies & Procedures

Academic Standards and Policies

For more information on academic standards and policies, please view the student handbook. It is the student’s responsibility to understand when they need to consider dropping/withdrawing from a course. Refer to the Lake Land College website for dates and deadlines. Instructors may withdraw a student from class if the number of absences is detrimental to the student’s ability to meet the course objectives. Instructors can withdraw students from a course prior to five instructional days before the first day of the final exam period.

Responsible Use of Classroom Content

Class discussions, papers, pictures, video, and any other student-created work for a course are all considered official course content. Student work, including papers, discussions, quizzes, assignments, etc., must be confined to the classroom (either on-campus or virtual) and should not be shared outside the classroom without the express permission of the student who created it. Students should respect the privacy of person-to-person or person-to-class communication in all forms. Violating student privacy may result in removal from the course. Significant or repeated violations may result in disciplinary action. This standard is pursuant to Board Policies 07.28.01 (Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures) and 11.15 (Acceptable Technology Use).

Accessibility Statement

Lake Land College is committed to providing an accessible, inclusive and equitable experience designed for all students, staff, faculty and community members to thrive within the physical and digital campus. This commitment is designed to eliminate barriers, regardless of ability or technology and to cultivate an environment that fosters success and a sense of belonging for the Lake Land College community.

Canvas ADA Compliance Statement 

Canvas conforms to the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WAI WCAG) 2.0 AA and Section 508 guidelines.


Lake Land College is committed to providing a quality educational experience to all students. As such, the College provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability to help them achieve their full potential. For additional information, please contact Student Accommodations within Counseling Services—(217) 234-5259.

Diversity at Lake Land College

Lake Land College is committed to developing and maintaining an environment that embraces and actively supports diversity. We aspire to be an institution where the quality of education is enhanced and enriched by an inclusive campus community. We strive to provide dynamic learning and working environments that encourage multiple perspectives and the free exchange of ideas. Additional information is available at diversity page on the Lake Land College website.

Health Services

Lake Land College is committed to ensuring the safety of the college community while providing the best possible learning experience for students. Students with health concerns should immediately notify their instructor(s). Students with prolonged illness should contact the college nurse, in accordance with Board Policy 07.43 (Health Services), at 217-234-5276 or     

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct (Title IX)

Lake Land College is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and employment environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and misconduct on the basis of sex, which includes sexual orientation or gender-related identity. Information about addressing sexual harassment and misconduct is found in the Student Handbook at Student Guide to Addressing Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct section.

College Closings

The responsibility for canceling classes or closing for a specific period of time rests with the President of the College. When weather conditions prevent the opening of the College or cause a delayed opening of the College, announcements will be made on local radio and TV stations, and with text messaging, email and all other technology mediums available by 6:00 a.m. for that day.

Cancellation of day classes is not an automatic closing of evening sessions. The decision to close classes that begin at 5:00 p.m. or later will be made close to 2:00 p.m. as possible.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due