Course Syllabus


 “Opportunity Awaits Where Your Comfort Zone Ends”

  COM 111 Introduction to Speech Communication

Fall 2024

Online Section: Meets on campus 8/26, 9/16, 9/30, 10/7 in North West 131 @ 3:00pm.


MOD 1-Eight-week class: Begins August 19th and ends at midterm October 11th. Midterm for this class is September 13th.


Instructor: Eva Ritchey                                  Office: NW 15

Telephone: 217-234-5318                                Office Hours: Monday: 12:15-1:00pn

Tuesday: 12:00-1:00pm virtual office hours (email, phone or Canvas).

Wednesday: 12:00-1:00         Thursday: 12:00-1:00pm virtual office hours (email, phone or Canvas).

Friday: 8:00am-9:00am          Or by appointment.




Student Responsibility:

  1. Even though this is an on-line section of Speech Communication students are still required to participate with one another electronically and during the four face-to-face speech sessions. Because of the in-depth nature of this course, your success will be determined by class participation. Students have the opportunity to earn up to 30 points for participation. This is gained through discussions in canvas, homework, participation in the classroom and other course related activities. Students who participate in the on-line discussions and the face to face sessions will benefit greatly when it comes to the grade for participation. These are not bonus points; they are a part of the overall points for the course.
  2. In addition, students will be required to deliver 4 graded speeches (a student CAN NOT pass the course if they fail to present one of the four speeches). Students will be required to compose outlines, and additional assignments throughout the semester. Missed speeches cannot be made up and if a student misses one speech they will be withdrawn from the course.
  3. No make-up is work allowed for online assignments. Please see the calendar and put due dates in your planner.
  4. The only work that is allowed to be submitted late is the informative outline and persuasive outline. Fifteen (15) points will be deducted for one day late, 20 points for two days late and 30 points for being three days late and 40 points for being four days late.



  1. Additionally, speeches cannot be made up. The sessions have been posted for months now, so make arrangements to be present for all assigned speeches. This means for the entire session. It is very important to be an audience member as well. Under certain circumstances the instructor can make amendments to this stipulation (ie: a death in the family, hospitalization). Therefore, make arrangements to be present at all four sessions for the entirety of the class.
  2. Faculty Withdraw Notice: According to The Lake Land College Board of Trustees Policy Manual, “Because regular, punctual classroom attendance is considered important for quality performance and success, students are expected to punctually attend all meetings of classes in which they are enrolled. Instructors or divisions have the prerogative to determine minimum requirements.” Furthermore, the Illinois Community College Board requires instructors to certify at midterm if a student is actively pursuing a passing grade in a course and to withdraw anyone not doing so. Therefore, at (or before) midterm—September 13th, students who are not actively engaged in classroom discussions, completing speeches, and so on, will be withdrawn.
  3. Lastly, coming into class late is disruptive for the instructor, speaker, and other students, therefore please don’t walk in during a student’s speech. Do not enter the room is a classmate is speaking.



I must approve speech topics in advance. Deadline for topic selection is indicated on the calendar in Canvas.

The following is a list of speeches you will be required to present in class this semester:

  1. It’s in the Bag Speech 2. Informative Speech 3. Persuasive Speech     4. Final Speech: Either an Impromptu Speech, Quote Speech or Career Speech. An announcement will be made by Midterm.


Speeches will be presented on campus in starting at 3:00pm.  Dress appropriately to deliver a speech. This means, look presentable and remove hats, remove sunglasses, discard gum, refrain from shirts with distracting pictures or lettering; overall-look presentable to deliver a speech and build credibility with your audience.


Typed Portion: APA citing is used in this course. The informative and persuasive speech will be require an APA Title Page, complete/full sentence outline and APA Reference page. This work will be submitted in Canvas.


Grading Speeches-Speeches are delivered on campus:

Your speeches will be graded upon the following:

  1. Organization 2. Delivery-physical & vocal 3. Content-Material presented in speech     4. Language  5. Time:  Your speech must conform to the time limit specified. A letter grade will be deducted for every minute a speech is over or under.


Textbook: Valenzano, J. M. III, Kuypers, J.A., & Braden, S.W. (2019). The speaker: The tradition and


practice of public speaking (4th Edition). Fountainhead Press.


Why are you taking this class? This course focuses on the fundamental principles and methods of selection, analyzing, organizing, developing and communicating information, evidence, and points of view to audiences. The course focuses on communication skills and practical activities involving public speaking contexts. Among the topics to be covered are: ethics of public speaking, non-verbal communication, listening, selecting a speech topic, research, preparation, speech delivery, and small group discussion. These skills will be acquired, honed, and evaluated in a variety of ways: informal speaking, short presentations, formal public speaking, and group presentations. Ultimately, this class is preparing you for the professional, public and personal realms of life!


What will you learn in 8 weeks? By the end of the semester, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the basic principles of public speaking (sender, message, channel, receiver and context).
  2. Understand the aspects of speech preparation.
  3. Combat the fears associated with public speaking.
  4. Use critical thinking skills to understand and resolve issues.
  5. Function effectively interpersonally, in groups and in public speaking contexts.
  6. Deliver an effective presentation.


Grades are posted in Canvas.


A=100%-90%   B= 89-80%   C= 79-70%    D=69-60%    F=59% or lower


Academic Integrity/ Plagiarism: Students will honor the tradition of academic honesty. Please refer to the Lake Land Student Handbook for Academic Integrity guidelines.


Classroom Conduct: Students are expected to demonstrate respect toward the instructor, themselves, and their classmates.  A student whose behavior creates a disturbance or interferes with classroom activities will be given a verbal warning.  If a second incident occurs, the student will be asked to leave, and may be subject to disciplinary actions and/or grade penalties at that time.  If a student is asked to leave, s/he will be required to meet with the instructor and the division chair before returning to class.  Further episodes of inappropriate behavior will also lead to the student’s removal from the classroom and will be reported to the college administration for disciplinary action.  To read more about what is expected of students at Lake Land College, see the passages titled " "Disciplinary Procedures" found at this website:

NOTE:  The instructor reserves the right to supersede the steps described above in cases where the student’s behavior presents an immediate danger to the instructor, himself, and/or his classmates.


Cell Phones: Please turn your phone off during class. Phone calls (even vibrating) are disruptive. Talking and texting is prohibited! Lap tops and phones need to be disclosed during speeches. Be an active audience member.


Statement Regarding Disabilities: If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact the Office of Disability Services at 234-5259.